"In darkness there can be light,
in misery there can be beauty,
in death there can be life."
Innocence has a power evil cannot imagine - Pan's Labyrinth

I finally submitted my australian uni application for melbourne, sydney and murdoch uni in perth. Wish me luck! I hope I can hear some favourable news soon.
Anyway today I went out with my parents after submitting the applications at the IDP education fair. The best thing about going out with parents is that they pay for everthing! I bought 2 books to kill time in camp and more importantly, I bought 2 CDs, the soundtrack for Kingdom of Heaven and Pearl Harbour. 2 of my fav movies! I love their soundtracks! Kingdom of heaven I've watched at least twice on VCD but I still dun mind watching it again. In fact I wanna buy the DVD if I can find it. Baldwin IV, King of Jerusalem is one of my favourite characters ever. To me he represents what an ideal ruler should be like. It is a pity he was a leper. Why is fate never kind to the kind? The movie isn't exactly historically accurate with his portrayal, but it is accordingly accurate with regards to potraying his physical courage and dedication to his kingdom. I have the utmost respect for him and may the memory of this brave warrior king live on forever.
Feel so happy with all the stuff I bought. I guess I realli understand what girls mean by retail therapy, onli that guys buy diff stuff. In my case its books and music. But anyway to me, it works as long as you buy something you like!
Happie new year! I'd first like to wish everyone a happy 2007! Maybe it be a fruitful year ahead and maybe all your dreams come true!
Looking back at 2006, I can say well its a very different year because for the first time in 12 years there was no school on 2nd Jan. I still rmb all the jitters about enlisting in the army. Now, one yr on, I learned so much from the army expereince, but also suffered much. Think of all the youth wasted rotting away in camp... but I least I tried to maximise my time in there by reading n not letting my brain rot. I've probably already forgotten about 80% of all my A-lvl knowledge by now. I cannot imagine what I'll be when I start Uni.
Speaking of Uni, I am relieved to say at least now I really know what I want to study! I think most people know anyway, and it is Veterinary Science. The future prospects for being a vet look pretty bright in my opinion, considering the increasing no. of pet owners. To me, I wouldn't want a typical desk-bound job that could bore me to death like the job I have in camp now. Least being a vet is something I would enjoy doing(hopefully) and as they say, if you enjoy your job, you wouldn't have to work for the rest of your life. Yeah so I pretty sure of studying vet science which unofrtunately isn't availiable in Singapore which means I'll be going to Australia! I juz came back from Australia and it is a lovely place! The only downside is the cost, but I guess I'll work hard and earn it back asap when I graduate.
Anyway on the 30th I was at Amy's hse for a 04s75 stayover! I realli enjoy being with the 75 ppl. Being in their company realli makes me fell happy and forget about all my depressing army days for a moment. We had so much fun! The best part was seeing milton n rich getting slightly drunk but very high. It was so funny but also kinda scary. I wonder what I'll be like when I get drunk. Muz realli thank the girls for all the lovely cooking they did, but also Amy's parents, who had to put up with all the noise late into the night and lose their sleep. Overall, it was great. wonder when we'll all meet up again.
Yesterday went Esplanade for countdown with my oldest bunch of frens, the 6h'99 ppl. The fireworks were pretty cool, but the huge crowd wasn't. Realli hated all the squeezing, not to mention the huge amount of foreign workers present. I not realli racist, but there was this particular one who actually put both his arms on my shoulder as if i was his friend! seriously man, that kinda pissed me off. At least this year they were more well-behaved, no spray cans and whatsoever nonsense from them. Realli pity all those police on duty yesterday, poor souls trying to control the crazy crowd of people. Muz apologise to yichao n co for not going to play mahjong after the countdown. I was simply too tired liao. So sorry guys, maybe next time.
So I guess that's it for now. I realli dread going back to camp. The feeling is worse than those first day of school blues. But like all NSF, I shall endure till the magical day arrives: 6th November 2007. For now, I wish everyone a happy new year once more!