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Sunday, March 27, 2005
blog n get expelled?

juz read the news that several french students got expelled for scolding their teachers on their blogs. gee that's pretty harsh. but ppl here dun seem to care, after all many ppl have been criticising MOE and its dumb policies. but maybe we should juz try to steer clear of politics cuz u nvr know what the govt might do to you. maybe you muz juz suddenly disappear from your house if u piss PAP off too much. and it is legal for them to abduct ppl lyk that in case in you're wondering. under the internal security act, the govt can detain someone indefinately without trial. if i am not wrong, some opposition politicians were detained for almost more years than that of Nelson Mandela! Shocked that such policies are in place? You never thought a supposedly democratic govt would have such harsh policies to crack down on opposition rite? well tt's why they say if u realli wanna saboutage a person, encourage him or her to be join an opposition party! the PAP will be sure to make life a hell for you. but dun worry as long as you and I are comformist, and juz blindly follow and listen to the govt and not criticise its dumb policies, nope you will not find the ISD(internal security department) ppl knocking on your door. =)

zp; 2:18 PM
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
nice music

If anyone wants the music, leave your email in the tagboard so that I can send it to you. The music is Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence from a movie of the same name by Ryuichi Sakamoto. The movie, if I am not wrong, is about a group of allied pows in a japanese prison during ww2.

alternatively you could view the html or wadever and copy down the url where i got the music. click on "view" in the bar, then scroll down to "source". the url is somewhere at the start of the script. there also seems to be some problems with the music and it stops playing halfway thru sometimes.(at least tt's wad i experience) try refreshing the page if that happens. as I am not a computer genius, it will take a while for me to solve this problem. until I solve this, I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

zp; 12:17 PM
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
almost over!

yay finally back after MIA for 3 days. (hey I have to mug too u noe...) anyway todays physics is wonderful. got half my mcq wrong. and each one is 2 marks... woohoo I luv physics man... anyway went running 4 big rounds around tchs after physics with richmond. never run for 6 days and already i can feel it. by the 3rd round could feel all the lactic acid in my legs alreadi. was forced to stop on the 4th round for a while becuz had a stitch tt was killing me. felt like being stabbed in the stomach. dunno why everytime run also got stitch one. this morning i onli ate some energy bar onli and tt was lyk more than 2 hrs b4 i ran. oh well gotta train more i guess. my physical standards realli can drop alot in a matter of days. cannot imagine wad will happen after A-lvls.

Anyway I reverted to my old template cuz of a few reasons. I liked the previous template better. its juz tt i cannot get the pic to appear and i haven found time to upload the correct music. besides the current picture was too big and blocked out the snowing effect. so it'll stay lyk this till i manage to get the picture and music up. rite can afford to slack abit cuz got more than 3 days to mug for bio. i'm off to play com!

p.s dun worry the sneak preview for my new blog will be up soon...

zp; 12:34 PM
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Monday, March 21, 2005
damn bastards

I know I am not suppose to be blogging but I just watched something that made me so upset that I simply had to write it down.

Just now I was watching a documentry on the hostage situation in the Moscow theatre which happened about 2 yrs ago. I knew about this incident but this just brings back sad memories of this tragedy. Chechen rebels had seized a theatre full of innocent audience and demanded negotiations with the Russian government. It appears that from the start the president, vladimir putin, never intended to seek to end the situation through peaceful negotiations. Right from the start putin had asked the FSB, the russian secret police, to find some way to assualt the theatre. There was no regards for the 900+ hostages inside. No food and water aid was ever organised, negotiations merely to drag for time, and when the special forces attacked with poison gas, there simply was no preparation made to evacuate the hostages. No proper first aid was availiable on scene, the russian govt never gave antidotes to the rescuers, they refused to tell medical staff what gased to use and simply did not care about the human lives in the theatre. All they wanted was to kill the rebels. Some of the female rebels who were knocked out by the gas were shot at point-blank. In total 129 hostages died, some simply because they went unconsious and their tongue slid back and caused them to choke to death. Later under international pressure the russian govt revealed that it used a poison that was usually used on terminally ill cancer patients, and the dosage was 5 times above the normal. Putin is such a bastard. To hell with him. What happened to him? Nothing. But then again, who can we blame? Ourselves. His popularity rating was still at 70% after the incident. Similarly in Iraq, more than a 1000 mothers have lost their children in a war we see no end to, but somehow George Bush is elected to a 2nd term. Coincidently today I wrote my gp essay was on "Why despite international efforts, is world peace so elusive?"". one point I wrote was that some people just ignore international organisations and wage wars as they please. But do you realise who support these bloodthirsty creatures? Us. I should have added this in:"As long as there are a few bloodthirsty individuals with little contempt for life, and a whole bunch of idiots supporting them, you can kiss world peace goodbye." Last year alot of kids were killed in another hostage situation in a school in russia. The goddamn president and his govt won't budge. If there is another hostage situation in russia I sure as hell can tell you alot of people will get killed. At this rate peace in chechnya will only be acheived when either all chechens are dead or putin is put out of power. we have to stop supporting the wrong people.

zp; 3:03 PM
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Shall stop for a while

Doing maths kills yur brain cells. Esp Vectors. Wasted one afternoon doing one stupid tutorial. Vectors sux. I realise I have been bloggin alot. So after this entry I shall take a break till about somewhere at the end of block test. Good luck for block test everyone!

Anyway, here's part 2 as promised.

Another reason as to why I kinda calmed down so quickly was coincidently told to me by my friend yesterdae as I had lunch with him. He somehow mentioned "why care about what those whom you dun care about think?" To put it simply and abit crudely, dun care about the thoughts of people you dun give a damn about. So I guess this is quite true. You can't please everyone so just ensure tt you and your good friends are happy can liao. Another point I come to realise is that this IS my blog, my online diary and MY rules, as Glendon puts it. So I can put whatever I like here. You dun like it, den get lost. I'm not forcing you to read. I dun give a damn what you think. Take your crap criticisms elsewhere, which some people realy did which I am thankful. What's important to me is tt I am happy with it.

tt's it I guess. Keep It Short, Stupid(KISS) as they say. So this entry is comparatively short and sweet. btw I am working on creating another blog to post some other of my stuff. so keep an eye out. will be posting a preview on this blog probably after block test ends.

zp; 5:24 PM
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Friday, March 18, 2005

zp; 11:21 PM
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how many jc students to one lightbulb?

hmm din noe i had so many loyal readers... sorry to disappoint but no daily dosage of love or anything cuz i'm not an expert in tt area. you wan can try the movie Hitch though I haven watch it either. Here's a little funny something I lifted off my junior cls's blog. No offensive to all da JC ppl.

Q: How many RJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: 4 whole faculties. One faculty to design the newbulb, one faculty to test it out, one faculty to market it and one guy to write a stupid E-mailabout lightbulbs.
Q: How many HCJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: The whole school. To compete with RJC.
Q: How many VJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: The whole school. One student to screw it in and the rest to cheer and wave flags and bannersto give him/her support.
Q: How many MJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: None. They're too busy trying not to get retained.
Q: How many NJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: None. They can study without light.
Q: How many AJC students does it take to changea lightbulb?
A: They're too busy trying to be one of the top 5JCs.
Q: How many ACJC students does it take tochange lightbulb?
A: None. They'd use all their money to employYJC to do it for them.
Q: How many YJC students does it take to changea lightbulb?
A: None. Only one teacher to tell them what a lightbulb is in the first place and to demonstrate(how do you think they're able to change it forACJC?)
Q: How many CJC students does it taketo change a lightbulb?
A: They'd prefer it darker. *raises eyebrows*
Q: How many JJC students does it take to changea lightbulb?
A: None. Their physics is so bad that they makethe male teacher cry.
Q: How many TPJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: They can't be bothered.
Q: How many SAJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: None. They believe in praying for it.
Q: How many NYJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: None. They are still using oil lamps.
Q: How many SRJC students does it take tochange a lightbulb?
A: Huh, wat litebarbu...
Q: How many PJC students does it take to changethe lightbulb?
A: F*** the lightbulb lah, the principal will dosomething about it. Let's do 300 jumping jacks fornot wearing the proper school attire
Q: Don't you guys wonder who wrote this?
Q: How many TJC students does it take to changethe lightbulb?
A: None. They think they are very bright already.

stay tune to a part 2 from the previous entry.

zp; 10:26 PM
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today morning wwent to find mr ong my physics tutor for extra lessons. pretty efficient I would say. 2 hours with him seem to be more effective than 2 days of mindless wandering in physics wonderland. after that I went joggin again. quite pleased that I managed to jog 3 times this week, but today I only did 2 rounds as I started gettin some kinda chest pains at the end of the 2nd round. Still rmb last time got dis HC guy hu was super fit n collasped n died while jogging. Anyway running is good. helps you burn fats n keep in shape. sure beats stoning in front of the com, which will make u fat. I dun wanna turn into some disgusting fat guy whose neck cannot be differentiated from the head. That isn't very appealing.

The following is gonna be pretty long-winded but I know sure have some ppl read one.

I decided to remove the previous entry which had some uncensored vulgarities for several reasons. Firstly, it ain't nice to say vulgarities. Secondly, I realised there isn't any point in getting angry. I mean, I dun see how tt will solve anything or get me anywhere. In fact, if a get so angry I will simply be wasting my own time and effort thinking about some unhappy stuff. So why bother? I mean there are things I should be happy about. Always look on the bright side. For example, I am glad I have learnt a pretty good lesson for once. Sure it came at a very bad time when block test are juz round the corner, and I am someone who sometimes get pretty badly affected by such stuff, but then again, this could have happened on the eve of A-lvls and then I would be really screwed. I used to think tt during my course of research into WW2 due to my hobby, I had seen enough of human nature, and now I truely experience human nature. Now this is the real thing, at last I know how people sometimes can be. Reading up on the holocaust or japanese atrocities of war had made me think I knew us humans too well. How naive I can get. But well to experience it firsthand I am glad now for once I have learnt something, a very good lesson that I could take with me when I go out and work. thanks for your wonderful lesson, even though you are not my friends, yet you taught me a lesson I think i'll never forget.

However, I have to admit I am abit disappointed though as to the cowardice of talking behind one's back. But then again, who isn't guilty? I am too. I admit occasionally I make fun of emmeline's bimboness though it is truely unintentional, always make fun of pei yiing but tt's because all the class guys do it and sometimes we realli cannot stand her.(ok lah she's nice occasionally) But I dun see the logic behind this unwarranted attack. Then again, I should have known better, actually there were clues already in place. The attitude, the hideous fake smile, damn I was blind. Should have seen it coming. Oh well now least I have learnt a good lesson. You can never know a person well enough. The only person tt I can trust 100% would have to be myself. I'm turning cynical, but juz how u hafta be to survive nowadays. wake up man, its not a sweet sweet world out there. "no one dies a virgin, cuz in the end life screws us all" I think it should be changed into "no one dies a virgin, cuz in the end some backstabber screws us all".
And you thought this only happens in reality shows.

zp; 1:50 PM
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
friends are not always what they seem

people are not always what they seem. they may seem to be nice, but they can backstab you, say bad things behind your back, and a whole lot more of other shit. I haf just learnt a f***ing good lesson today. you can NEVER know a person well enough. for all you know he could be f***ing u up in the back n u dun haf the least f***ing idea about it. i tink some f***ing ppl noe hu dey are. I noe hu u r and I juz dun wanna care tt's all. I'm glad I found out about this. It is a very good lesson learnt. Now, does using the f word prove tt I'm not f***ing gay anymore? U guys f***ing happy now? I tell u, u ppl are the real losers. Trying to act as if u are some super manly n straight shit. f*** off man, u ain't there till u got a heart. u guys r just a bunch of f*** losers trying to act f***ing cool. i noe hu u r. i finally do now. and all the time i thought u ppl were nice. looks lyk I was wrong. How blind I was. I'm disgusted.

to the rest of my friends, sorry for using so much vulgar language. i'm just f***ing pissed with some backstabbing bastards.

zp; 2:04 PM
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
fun run

today got up late and went for wushu late. as i approached the school compound saw the wushu ppl runnin out and dey told me they were runni to 6th avenue so i immediatly ran off the put down the bag n join them. runnin along all those small roads in the bukit timah are was nice as the morning was cooling and the scenery was nice. later at one point we had to do dashes up an insanely steep slope. first time was horrible but the second time i really dashed all the way up as i had some sort of mental preperation as to how steep the slope was by then. anyway after tt we walked by to school as we were too tired to run back anyway. along the way i was admiring all the huge n beautiful houses rich ppl have. I'm so jealous. Muz work hard n make enuf money so next time oso can buy big big house with a beautiful garden. Anyway left early from training cuz mum only allow me to train in the morning only. Actually i oso dun wanna train in the afternoon cuz i gotta mug! wasted yesterdae stoning away so gotta makre up for it today. wait, i shouldn't even be bloggin rite now or even be online... oh no...

zp; 11:45 PM
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
block test are comin

oh no... block test in a weeks time... sianz. yesterdae's wushu training was realli tiring. but tt's gd cuz it means tt i am actually pushing myself to the limits. but even with all these hard work i might not be able to compete as u need 4 diff ppl from 4 diff schs in one category b4 u can compete. my category is a super difficult one and chances are tt there wun be enuf ppl. oh well if there isn't enuf ppl at least I can console myself by knowing tt then i'll be able to concentrate on trying out aerials n frontflips since by then i wun care abt gettin injured or anithin if i am not competing

zp; 1:41 PM
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Monday, March 07, 2005
too lost in you

You look into my eyes
I go out of my mind
I can't see anything
Cos this love's got me blind
I can't help myself
I can't break the spell
I can't even try
I'm in over my head
You got under my skin
I got no strength at all
In the state that I'm in
And my knees are weak
And my mouth can't speak
Fell too far this time
Baby, I'm too lost in you
Caught in you
Lost in everything about you
So deep, I can't sleep
I can't think
I just think about the things that you do
I'm too lost in you

no i din write dis, its from a song. and no it has no particular significance either. juz tot it was a nice song. bet alot of galz wanna sing dis to Teng. =)

zp; 9:07 PM
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Sunday, March 06, 2005
6h @ holland v

yesterdae had 6h gatherin. Too lazy to go into the details. juz had dinner @ holland v den went to KAP to talk. today I watched moulin rouge on TV. pretty nice musical I would say. for those who have watched HCJC dramafest, u will get a sense of deja vu. U noe wad i mean.

zp; 10:11 PM
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Thursday, March 03, 2005
a very bad person

dear diary,
I confess that I am a very bad person. I did something very bad today. It was raining slightly. While I was waiting at the red light to cross the road, I did not share my umbrella with this girl who was also going to cross the road. I was shy and thus hesistant to approach, but the blame still falls on me entirely. I am suppose to be nice but somehow I think I have this evil twin in me that manifests at times when I am suppose to render help to others. I feel very guilty. I am a very bad, evil and nasty person. I ought to be nicer in the future to those around me and those whom I dunno. I apologise to that poor girl who kinda got soaked because of me. Sorry.

zp; 4:20 PM
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Wednesday, March 02, 2005
a seires of unfortunate events

today's a series of unfortunate events.
1) Think i overstretched some muscle or ligament and now my right leg hurts when doing kicks or splits.
2) Kinda injured my right heel and now it hurts whenever I jump.
3) After walking a realli long dist towards the bus-stop, I realise i forgot my water-bottle and had to rush back with pain in my right foot. Had to climb 4 storeys just to reach the wushu clubroom where i had left it.
4) As i was putting my bottle in my bag, dropped my file and it split open and some of my papers got wet from puddles left behind by the rain.
5) I have physics SPA assesment tmr and today's training was so physically tiring tt I have little energy to find my notes, much less study.

To think I actually looked forward to this day.

zp; 8:30 PM
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Tuesday, March 01, 2005
can't wait

can't wait for tmr's training. finally something to look forward to. it'll be tiring but fufilling i hope. today i finally got to work out abit after sch. din run, but i did some excercise to strengthen my arm, leg, n stomach muscles for the upcomin wushu comp in mid april. hope my stamina isn't too bad after a week of not running.

zp; 8:36 PM
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