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Thursday, December 30, 2004

i am frantically keeping my room now. 6hers are comin to my hse tmr to countdown. Honestly saying i dunno y dey wld wanna come. cuz there isn't much to do there anyway. well i will try to make it as fun as it was last year though, hope it will be a success.

zp; 11:48 PM
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
wushu training at last

today i finally had wushu training, the last time was like 2 weeks ago i think. well just did some normal physical training at first. 2 weeks without training plus all tt eating in hk realli makes me feel how out of shape i am. The runnin part was realli exhausting, and my legs are so stiff tt my split seems to be getting lousier i think. anyway later we prepared for the orientation performance abit, n kelvin teached me abit of some broadsword taolu. it is quite cool, but onli if i can do if smooth n quick. well broadsword is quite zai if u can realli master it, smthin i obviously haven, despite 4 yrs of it at tchs wushu. i still haf a long way to go. anyway also worked abit on my jumps, and i realised my tornaedo kick n one-handed cartwheel are gettin pretty crappy. gotta work on them. wushu is fun, juz haf to be careful not to hurt myself.

anyway had lunch wif mum at Ah Yat seafood restaurant in turf city. the dim sum there quality also quite good. ate lyk 8 helpings of various dim sums and it onli came to about $20! yah cuz there was 50% discount. i guess there is good dim sum in singapore afer all, you juz need to know where to find it.

i was reading personal accounts of the sumatran earthquake+tsunami on bbc website, and it juz seems more and more depressing. the stories are so saddening i neary cried reading them. how more and more dead are washed ashore, how people saw their families swept away, how bodies piled up and that many of the dead were children. people in certain areas are starving, and disease is spreading due to the huge amount of rotting bodies. hope relief operations can proceed more swiftly. And again the death toll rises. with many still missing and probably dead, the death toll could well hit 40,000. sigh...

zp; 5:00 PM
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Monday, December 27, 2004
mixed feelings

Jiahui told me dey found jet li, least he's ok. thanks jiahui. that is good news but the death toll still climbs... 21,000 and rising... when will it ever stop? this is so depressing.

zp; 10:21 PM
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omg omg omg

omg omg omg... the death toll keeps climbing...sigh... it is at 16,000 and increasing. And i realised several things, firstly the death toll is way off as myanmar hasn't even reported its casualty rates yet and 10, as reported in the straits times is definately a very low figure. Also, many of the dead would never be found, as many are washed out to sea and decomposed or got eaten by fish. Lastly, Jet Li, one of my fav kung fu stars, is missing!!! he was out in the maldives,and he can't swim very well... I pray he will be fine...

juz one more thing... the tehran earthquake last year which killed 41,000, happened on 26th dec 2003... exactly one year ago...

zp; 8:21 PM
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brace myself for braces

brace myself for braces.

yup, i haf decided to get braces. went to the dentist today, and to my horror, he said my teeth were too overcrowded and he needed to remove 4 tooths!!! Had an x-ray of my teeth to show how bad it was. the x-ray machine quite cute, kept making some funny noises. shld haf done my teeth when i was abt 12-13, now still can but it is gettin kinda hard. well i din get any teeth pulled out yet, but the dentist did insert 8 rubber thingy between my teeth. gee the process realli hurts. i'll prob get the 4 tooths out early nxt yr, hope i'll be brave enough...

zp; 4:45 PM
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
i'm frustrated

i'm frustrated. I can seem to do some bloody chem hmwrk!!! onli did till lyk question 9 out of 13 n got stuck there. it's so frustrating!!! it seems lyk there is some typo but i am not sure, tt's what makes me frustrated. the inability to do a question after wasting so much time thinkin abt it SUCKS! wth lah... either the hmwrk sux or i do... but it is most likely me... bah! life sux! i sux! ARGH!!! i hate school and life. there really isn't anythin to look forward to in life rite now...

i wun end my life though, i am not abt to give in to some stinking system tt took away 11 yrs of my life alreadi... i wun give u wad u wan, u suckers! oh well i feel abit better. thx blog for lettin me let out my emotions.

zp; 11:44 PM
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omg... a massive earthquake off sumatran coast resulted in tsunamis across the india, sri lanka, maldives, thailand, malaysia and indonesia... at the rate it is going, death toll is gonna hit 5-6 thousand... sigh... =(

zp; 10:26 PM
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Saturday, December 25, 2004

Its christmas!!!

Merry chistmas everyone!!! There's no better way to spend xmas eve wif yur good frens, and hu better den the 6h ppl!!! yup met dem at west coast park and den had dinner there, then proceeded to the field to play soccer n volleyball. I sux at both, oh well tt's me. After tt we played with lightsticks and this bunch of china kids came over n started askin us fer lightsticks. U shld haf seen yichao! he was tokin crap wif dem in his funny china accent... hahadamn funny! At one pt when those kids got greedy n started askin for more, chao was sayin tt ppl in africa dun haf lightsticks, n at nite had to walk wif their mouths open so tt dey cld see each others teeth!!! Hahaha!!!

Oh well after tt we started playin sparklers n oso threw dem high into the air. One of me throws nearly hit huixian... sorrie huixian. Anyway apart from tt we oso payed dis game where we had to throw the ring made up of lightsticks onto the person hu was ridin on yisheng's bike. tt was so fun but oso very tirin. After tt we oso played wif poppers n threw those rings made out of lightsticks into air. The sight was nice! again i got into trouble by throwin one up into the trees. argh i'm so clumsy. oh well dey threw jiahui's slippers up into the tree to try to bring it down, but it got stuck too. Tried wif yishengs bike lock, which got stuck too. Oh well in the end did manage to get everythin down, except the ring. See, its me fault as usual =( Anyway after tt we went back to mac to haf a supper sponsered by huixian's parents. Thx uncle auntie! After tt went home n here i am! BY the way, thank you xinyi for your xmas card!

Before i end off, i would like to add on abit about the battle of the bulge. Durin xmas the battle reached its climax, with the encircled defenders of bastogne being hardest hit. Imagine freezing off in a foxhole on xmas, with little warmth, havin to fight the harshest winter in europe, having to endure sudden artilery bombardment, fend off enemy troop n tanks... i am realli amazed. The men of 101st airborne realli are worthy of respect n recognition. But so are the germans. Fighting in this freezing cold for a cause many know is long gone, only to hope to protect their loved ones, certainly is a comendable effort too. actually germans aren't tt bad, least not as bad as japs. Only some german units are, lyk some second line police n extermination units, n the concentration camp guards. Frontline troops certainly are a brave lot, esp the more fanatical waffen-ss units. Read the entry on 16th dec to know more about this last major battle waged in europe.

Anyway, merry xmas to all, esp to all my frens, family and oso to the brave soldiers who fought in the battle of the bulge, be it german, american or british.

zp; 2:43 AM
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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Wednesday afternoon went to fortunate restaurant at toa payoh to satisfy my craving for dim sum, an side-effect of the hk trip. Well I muz say I am impressed with the food there. Can compare to hk dim sum. Try if u dun believe. It is abit ex but got 30% dis on wkdays frm 3-6. Was suppose to hmwrk but did only abit. Was on the net lookin up on spontaneous human combustion, a horrifying phenomena was the body ignites from within, burning the victim to ashes more effectively then an incenerator. Watched a documentary on it on Discovery. Till today this phenomena is still unexplained. I also looked up other stuff lyk crop circles n ppl hu went forward in time. U shld see the crop circles. Dey were so complex. Guess there is lots of unexplained stuff out there.

zp; 1:34 AM
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
chalet and misc stuff

Went for a haircut on monday morning. Now it looks much better, or least it's a hairstyle I am comfortable with. Tink i'll keep my shorter hairstyle frm now on. After that i went to HCJC wushu chalet. Took MRT all da way frm clementi to pasir ris, which was suprising fast at about an hour. At the chalet, it was the usual stuff, card games and mahjong. However no PS2 though. Somehow our TV dun work while other's do. Not fair :( Poor yichao(not the 6H one) had to pay lots for renting the mahjong table n set, which cost lyk 50++. Not very smart considerin Joseph was bringing a mahjong set later tt dae. Anyway I pitied him n gave him 5 bucks. Some seniors gave 10. Speaking of seniors, there were many of them present, all the way back to the 00' batch ones. tts the nice thing abt HC wushu. Alot of seniors will come back n visit us. I'll do the same in da future I promise.

Oh yes I had been ordered to make potato salad for the chalet. I was told abt this on the nite to the 6H poolside gatherin. Kinda coincidencial as I had juz eaten potato salad @ huixian's hse made by the 6H gals. Well juz boiled some potatoes, diced em n added salad sauce, some herbs n bacon bits. Everyone said it was very nice! I was kinda amazed cuz I anyhow do one. Apart from tt we had bbq as usual... not very filling as I usually eat not much and give up on trying to eat the oily, over n undercooked chicken wings. Anyway it was mainly a nite of mahjong. Did play abit of bridge n daidi(how to spell?) but I played mahjong almost the whole nite. My luck was so good! Kept winning and later there was one game I took the very last tile left on the table b4 the game had to restart, and won! Oh yes learned more abt mahjong lyk the tai system., Where u had to win I predetermined no. of tai b4 u can hu(win). Oh well abit chim but I did get it soon. If we were playin money I would haf won lots, but I am strictly against gambling.

After lots of mahjong, went to the beach wif yuling, justin, kian boon, yiren n jo. We went in search of the couple kelvin n zhaoqi, hu disappeared misteriously in the nite. I was kinda amazed abt them 2, as i tot it was juz another scandal tt always occur in wushu. Somehow dey seem for real, dispite the fact tt zhaoqi is a senior hu is currently studyin in uk while kelvin the current chairman. Anyway we suggested tt justin take off his clothes so tt he cld be undetected by the couple. For yur info Justin is a very black chinese(due to genetics i tink)tt u might mistake fer an indian or malay. Ironically he takes LEP. Anyway caught sight of them but dey soon moved away after seeing us. So we watched the waves on the beach n tok abit. Den went back as yuling had to leave fer wonderful hk on tues. Oh no my hk entry... hmm try to get it up asap.

Anyway at chalet i fell asleep n woke at arnd 9 to the sound of a mosquito buzzing at my ear. A whack n it was score 1! After tt went to shower n realised the bathroom was too filled with mosquitoes lyk the rest of the chalet. Score 2! As usual the trick is wait till there is little ppl using the bathroom, which is when everyone is asleep. Had breakfast of mac sponsored by the ever so nice zhaoqi. Thx! After tt I went cycling in the morning, covering the whole Pasir Ris park, had lunch @ bk den played asshole Daidi, except tt we replaced the title asshole with yichao. Haha poor yichao. I kept on being the president, but At one pt i fell to the bottom, but climbed up pretty quick. After tt I went for dinner with the seniors b4 heading home, instead of spending another nite there. It was well timed though, as it happened to be winter solstice n traditionally the whole family was supposed to be together to eat glutinous rice balls. Ok after tt bathed n watched CSI! Very nice show tt's interestin n infomative. Den slp till abt 11 nxt day. Buess tt's abt it

zp; 11:44 AM
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
bad hair days

Just cut my hair, and it looks... not very good. Basically I think it looks ok, but very out of date. Tons of clay dun seem to help. Anyway I really hate it and I guess I will be wearing a cap till it looks better... Today wasn't a very good day either. I wasn't in a good mood and going shopping with my parents without my cap din help. Oh well at least I bought smthin nice, which is FIR's CD and american pie 2 the DVD. Least both are nice. Hope HCJC wushu chalet tmr will make me feel better. Maybe it is becuz I still haven started on any holiday hmwrk =(

zp; 10:50 PM
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
movies n hmwrk

I am starting on holiday hmwrk finally but i keep watchin tv... watched some WW2 show called "saints and soldiers" on HBO. Lyk all ww2 movies i haf watched, it was damn sad. In the end only 2 out of the 5 soldiers potrayed in the movie survived... tt's juz how cruel war is. I hope there will never be another war of such an epic scale. It only serves to break hearts. But the show did give a me a good view of various ww2 uniforms, smthin vital to my hobby. By the way, the movie is about the battle of the bulge, and below is written by me based on stuff i have read up on. Go to the net if you want to know more.

Battle of the Bulge 60th Anniversary 16th Dec 1944 to 16th Dec 2004

16th Dec is the 60th annivesary of the battle of the bulge, the last major german offensive ever to take place after operation citadel, better known as the kursk offensive. The Battle of the Bulge is also known as the Ardennes Offensive, and Operation Wacht am Rhein (Watch on the Rhine). Its aim was to split the Allied army up and negotiate for a ceasefire. Some notable incidents include the largest ever single deployment of King Tiger tanks, the best in german arsenal, the Malmedy crossroads massacare where 86 american pows were executed, and the encirclement of Bastogne, where the heroic 101st Airborne division, also known as the screaming eagles, held off the germans which encircled the town, and refused to surrender till relieved by Patton's 3rd army. In doing so they sustained heavy casualties from prolonged artillery bombardment and had to battle one of the harshest winters in History . The battle raged on till about 28th January, when the german high command finally realised they had failed in their attempt. At the conclusion of the battle the casualties were as follows: 81,000 U.S. with 19,000 killed, 1400 British with 200 killed, and 100,000 Germans killed, wounded or captured.

In memory of the brave soldiers who gave their lives for our freedom, we will never forget you. And to the german soldiers who fought so valiantly for what they believed, even be it a lost cause by then, their courage is commendable. May they all rest in peace

zp; 10:03 PM
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back from chalet n 6H gatherin

back from chalet n 6H gathering.

went to TCHS wushu chalet on tues, n stayed overnight for one night only as next evening there was 6H gatherin! My mum fetched me to the chalet in the afternoon. As usual it was lots of mahjong n card games... oh well typical. Later I went to eat some non-Mac food and then went cycling when it got darker. It is nice to cycle at night as there r less ppl around n also much cooler. Also i can feel the wind in my hair!!! Haha the first time for me... Anyway after cycling for quite long i went back to the chalet n watched abit of TV, played abit of cards, mahjong n later went out again to teach my juniors how to blade. Actually i haven bladed in a long time... lyk since pri sch, but oh well i still helped them abit, trying to guide them along. Tried blading too, did fall at least twice, but kinda got the hang of it soon.

Later I went to the beach with 2 frens n talked abt well JC life, relationships, blah blah, u noe wad u tok abt wif guy frens... anyway tok till abt 4, den went back played abit of mahjong n den slept at 4.30. Here's one thing abt chalets... dun slp while u still haf energy... n wait till everyone haf slept den go n sleep. Thats wad i did... all my juniors started sleeping @ lyk 12, so by 4.30 some were awake n i could find a gd spot to slp, plus i was realli tired, so well it was a solid 4 hr slp!!! Yay after tt woke up n played abit of card games b4 leavin for home. I realise when it is a all guys chalet, it is realli damn dirty lah... wah u shld see how gross it was... food wrappers all over the bed n ppl juz slp on it, shoes all over the floor plus lots of socks... damn sure stinks lyk a pig's sty. I haf been to a mixed chalet (6H chalet!) n it doesn't get so bad. Haha

Anyway it was a 6H gatherin once more on wed evening! We had dinner of pizza by the pool of huixian's hse. She n jiahui n xinyi realli took care of everythin, frm buyin pizza to gettin the drinks, potato salad, icecream, ice cubes ready, to even gettin us cups with everyone's names written on them! tt was so cute. Oh well the dinner was great n i realli thank them. apart frm them there was also yichao, yisheng, shiwei (not the S75 one), honda, jerm, weiling, sheena n deborah! I haven't seen deborah since lyk... pri sch? Oh well she hasn't changed tt much though. Anyway after dinner we played cards n yichao n gang swam. dey started doin all sorts of antics in the pool n jiahui even did some front somersaults!!! Way too cool... considerin how much i want to do an aerial badly... oh well tt's juz hw zai gymnast are... means i muz train more! Anyway I had a nice time there. It's juz nice to be with 6h'ers... i even sacrificed a S75 steamboat n the TCHS wushu chalet bbq juz to go see my 6h frens. They r the frens i haf known for the longest time n i guess well tt's wad makes the diff smtimes. Anyway I juz hope there will be another gatherin soon... since we din haf a chalet this yr =(

Oh yes, thanks huixian n jiahui for your nice christmas cards! U all r so nice. Sorry for not getting u all anythin even though i supposedly bought alot of stuff frm hk... speaking of hk, i realli want to write my tots abt it, but if i do i need the time. Ok i guess tt's it for my super long entry... i applaude u if u haf read till here!

zp; 9:22 PM
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Finally done!

I am finally done with my editing of the blog. Looks nice right? And it took me just one night!

Feel free the give any comments you have, like whether you like it, whether is it too gay-looking for a guy's blog, blah blah... Criticisms are also welcomed, but try to make them constructive ok?

Anyway the next post I will most probably talk about my wonderful trip to Hong Kong! It is a really wonderful place! I highly recommend everyone go there at least once! You won't regret it!

zp; 1:44 AM
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Monday, December 13, 2004
My First post!!!

Elloz! This is my first post on my very own blog!!! I'm so excited!!! WOoHoo!!!

On a more serious note, I feel I need to explain why I choose such a name for my blog! Love Actually... sounds like a girl's blog right? Nope, I am a guy, and I am NOT gay either.... So what is the reason behind such a name? Actually, the idea of setting up a blog came up during the trip to Hong Kong.(it's a wonderful place which I will talk about in my next few posts) Was watching the movie "Love Actually" on board and while watching it on board, the idea of setting up a blog with a same name came up!

To those of you who never even heard of this movie, lemme juz say... GO WATCH IT!!! It super nice!!! Actually I watched it about one year ago in the cinema before, and dunno why, I chose to watch it all over again aboard the plane. I must say I am not a least bit disappointed with my choice! Yes there were other movies on board like Elf, Shark's Tale, I,Robot, Last Samurai, Moulin Rouge... the list goes on, but I chose to watch "Love Actually" becuz it is juz so nice n heartwarming!!! Already I intend on buying the DVD, which came out on 27th April 2004... 3 days before my birthday!

I do have a disclamer to make: This blog is in no way related to the movie and the title of the blog, does not in any way related to my other aspects of my life, apart from the fact that I TOTALLY am in love with this movie! Some of those from HCJC might know what I mean... if you don't, well don't bother finding out.

zp; 2:57 PM
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